Hozho Herbal Creations
My journey as a birth worker all started when I became pregnant with my son Sage. My husband and I were so thrilled at the thought of becoming parents. I decided fairly quickly that I wanted to have a homebirth. It was such a spiritual experience. I didn’t know the strength and endurance I had in me to birth my son.
Knowing what power every single person possesses in bringing their baby's earthside was so profound, magical, and by far the hardest and strongest thing I’ve ever done. I soon right after became obsessed with everything that had to do with womb wellness, fertility, pregnancy, birth, and herbal support. I knew right away that I wanted to utilize my compassion and energy on supporting parents in every way I could, especially in the postpartum period. I joined a labor doula workshop at Birthingway College of Midwifery in the summer of 2019 and the Doulas of Color Business Workshop beginning of 2020 to learn more. Shortly after joining, I decided to start my own practice and that is when HózhóFull Spectrum Care was born. Since then I have had the pleasure of supporting over 50 families.
Birth is 100% spiritual and physiological. You are bringing another life through from a spiritual portal, you and your baby work together to do this. That alone is such a transcendent interconnected journey. Not one birth is the same, each is different and unique, your story is yours and yours alone. This time can be raw, delicate, and altering, my goal for you is to feel heard, safe, and supported throughout your entirety of care. I provide informational, emotional, herbal, spiritual, and physical support to reach healthful and informed care.
Is to decolonize the birth narrative, by bringing awareness for the importance of advocacy for Black, Indigenous, Latina/x, Asian, and other people who identify as POC. My hope is to improve the maternal and infant mortality rates among Black and Indigenous communities with more education surrounding pregnancy, labor + birth, lactation, feeding, and newborn care support.

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