Sakari Farms
My name is Upingaksraq (the time when the ice breaks). Spring Alaska Schreiner is the owner and Principal Ecologist-Indigenous Agriculturalist of Sakari Farms. I am an enrolled member and shareholder of the Chugach Alaska Native Corporation and Valdez Native Tribe. Inupiaq lineage allows a unique/diverse cultural perspective of the use of historical food systems ranging from Alaska to Oregon and regional tribal lands on Turtle Island. Spring serves on multiple regional and national agricultural boards and educational committees and advocates for local farmers and tribal members. Spring received the 2019 NASDA Women Farm to Food Award, and more recently, the recipient of the 2021 Na’ahlee Tribal Fellowship and the 2022 Ecotrust Indigenous Leadership Award for the PNW. I participate in the USDA Indian Agricultural Council, Made by Native American Export Food Program, Indigenous Seed Keepers Network, Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance, American Indian Housing Authority, PNW Inter-Tribal Food Sovereignty Coalition, and many other regional policy based boards and committees.
PNW Inter-Tribal Agricultural Food Guide was created by Spring Alaska- she noticed as a Tribal Farmer, Tribal Food Producer, Indigenous Seed Keeper, and TEK Educator that there was a need for more access to our tribal foods and connections in the PWN specifically.

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